2016년 10월 16일 일요일

(2016. 10. 15) Dreams of Dalí: 360º Video

This is a video which was opened as a part of exhibition ‘Disney and Dali: Architects of the Imagination’ in Florida, U.S.A. It was made for the people who can not visit the exhibition. They watch Dali’s work ‘Archeological Reminiscence of Millet’s “Angelus”’ made in 1935. It is about dali’s feeling and imagination after he met millet’s Angelus. This video not only show dali’s work but invite you to dali’s imagination when he saw millet’s work. It also received 2016 Cannes Lions Cyber Gold.

The Dali Museum

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WAVRP is a curation service which introduces a selected VR video everyday!

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